Hello, need a project while social distancing? I'm forwarding a call for sewers. Hospitals need masks NOW. There is already a dangerous shortage of N95 masks for workers on the front lines of the Coronavirus. Even standard protective masks are desperately limited. I personally know medical personnel who have been told they are responsible for obtaining their own protection while they work, from scarves to bandanas! If you can sew, and get your hands on some supplies (I have cut up bedsheets, tea towels, etc.) Facilities around the country, world actually could really use masks. I am working with members of the NY Handmade collective to fill and facilitate requests in the New York area, but hospitals everywhere need them too.
My group are generally using the 3-pleat masks, but there are tutorials and patterns online that don't need trim or are shaped to cover other gear as well. The purpose of the fabric masks are NOT to replace the N95 masks, but to be worn over them in order to prolong their usage. At this rate, ANY and every little bit helps.
If you can help, need help, want to support in any way, there are great resources at the Sew the Curve Flat Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sewthecurveflat/
Here are some tutorials:
Fabric Face Masks
Project Name: “We Can Sew It” Mask
Design Link: https://bit.ly/2UaFAHK
Reviewed: 3/21
Reviewed by: OSCMS Medical Review Team
Note: Please see documentation regarding the filtering properties of various fabrics; good for use over existing PPE (surgical masks and N95s) as designed. Uses ties not earloops.
Project Name: Phoebe Health Mask
Design Link: https://bit.ly/2J4jNeD
Reviewed: 3/21
Reviewed by: OSCMS Medical Review Team
Note: This design works especially well as a protective cover for the duckbill shape of some N95 masks; please ensure fit. Non-latex elastic or adopt ties for behind the head.
Project Name: Providence St. Joseph Health Face Mask Kit
Design Link: https://vimeo.com/399324367/13cd93f150
Reviewed: 3/21
Reviewed by: Providence St. Joseph Health System
Note: Video available; uses ties. Very similar to “We Can Sew It”
Project Name: HelpfulEngineering Cloth Mask
Design Link: http://project-cloth-masks.com (Locally sourced materials)
Reviewed 3/21
Reviewed by: OSCMS Medical Review Team
Note: “Non woven polypropylene (NWPP) is commonly used in surgical masks and can be easily sewn into masks that can block the spread of droplets from coughs and sneezes” - Community Pleated Masks. Non-latex elastic or adopt ties behind the head. Hair elastics may hurt some people/be too tight.
Project Name: How to Make a Face Mask
Design Link: How-to-make-a-Face-Mask (Deaconess Hospital)
Reviewed 3/20
Reviewed by: OSCMS Medical Review Team
Note: Please see documentation regarding the filtering properties of various fabrics; will only be useful to clinical settings if worn over existing PPE as designed. Do not use latex elastics if designing for healthcare.
Project Name: Maker’s Habitat DIY Fabric Mask
Design Link: Maker’s Habitat
Reviewed: 3/23
Reviewed by: OSCMS Medical Review Team
Note: Please use our filtering resources/documentation. Without the filter, this design is good for use over existing PPE - ties are preferred over loops. For the filter, consider non-woven polypropylene (see Helpful Engineering mask).