So we, the Pawling community, and everyone else in the country is on pause. It is a frustrating setback for many, but a source of creative inspiration for others. Photographer Jane Haslam, of Pawling's Land Gallery has been shooting members of the community and showcasing what they are doing to get through the pandemic, sharing their stories with her Pawling on Pause project. It was an uplifting shoot to be a part of. Jane photographs everyone from a safe, social distance, and every photo I have seen of my fellow neighbors and community showcases them in the most gorgeous light. The project is also a way to encourage the community to contribute their time or resources to the Pawling Resource Center, a wonderful organization that Wicked Finch Farm has been involved with for several years.
Who is the big dinosaur in the photo? "Pawling Dino" was a figment of my imagination, performed by Adam as a way to entertain the nieces, nephews, children who were spending birthdays at home without their friends or colleagues who needed a morale boost. Dino dances in all styles, from classic Broadway to twerking at the club. If you follow our social media channels, you have probably already seen his dances, but if not, our Facebook and Instagram will have his performances ready.
Jane had said before she arrived for the shoot that any props we liked could be included. I don't know if she realized what she was getting into until she met us. The big dragon is also part of our permanent menagerie (and we practiced restraint, we DO have more creatures).
The Pawling Resource Center could really use your donations of food and dry goods for struggling members of the community. If you have some time and access to transportation, less mobile members could use some help shopping for groceries. If you are remote, a financial donation is very much appreciated as well!
Be safe, stay healthy, be kind, and be patient!
Photography credit: Jane Haslam Photography